A one-semester course for grades 4 or 5 and up
In the award-winning Writing & Rhetoric series, author Paul Kortepeter has thoughtfully and creatively recovered the proven method of the progymnasmata, a step-by-step apprenticeship in the art of writing and rhetoric. Writing & Rhetoric Book 4: Chreia & Proverb (Student Edition) is the fourth title in this 12-book series.
Full program includes:
- Writing & Rhetoric Book 4: Chreia & Proverb (consumable student edition) The word “chreia” (cray-ă) comes from the Greek word chreiodes (cray-o-dees), which means “useful.” It is a short essay or remembrance that praises the author of a saying or proverb and shows why the saying is useful. This book employs all the skills of the preceding books in the series and teaches students how to write a six-paragraph essay on the basis of a saying or an action. The thinking and exercises occur within the framework of the stories in this book, which include wonderful historical figures such as King Arthur, King Alfred, Lady Godiva, King Canute, Omar Khayyam, and more. The six-paragraph essay using the five Ws (who, what, when, where, why) is arranged this way:
- Praise the author of the proverb or saying used in your chreia
- Restate the saying in your own words
- Explain why this is useful
- Contrast your example with another person in history
- Compare your example with another similar example in history
- Epilogue—conclude your essay
- Writing & Rhetoric Book 4: Chreia & Proverb Teacher’s Edition This teacher’s edition includes the complete student text, as well as answer keys, teacher’s notes, and explanations. For every writing assignment, this edition also supplies descriptions and examples of what excellent student writing should look like, providing the teacher with meaningful and concrete guidance.
- Writing & Rhetoric Book 4: Chreia & Proverb Audio Files These audio files allow students to engage their sense of hearing and their listening intelligence as Christine Perrin, the Writing and Rhetoric series editor, delivers the historical narratives, myths, and legends aloud in a thoughtful manner.
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