In this secular age, why would a well-educated, seemingly intelligent person cling to the vain hope of an ancient faith when the world’s leading voices and institutions have moved on, believing in modern myths now so widely accepted that they are the basis for laws, theories, social policies, medical practices, and personal opinions?
This is the question that David Hicks asks and seeks to answer in The Stones Cry Out! Many skeptics of the ancient Christian faith scoff at its mythic qualities while assuming and proclaiming their own secular myths, which are just as religious, just as cosmic, and just as determinative as the ancient myths of Christianity.
In this thought-provoking book, Hicks compares the sacred myths (Creation, the Garden, and the Murder myth) with three secular myths (Reason, Science, and the Imagined Self). He asserts that these myths bring to light a mythic conflict that presents us with crucial choices regarding what is real, who we are, and how we should live. The book clarifies the conflict and helps readers to better see, discern, and choose as through the myths we orient our sense of what is good, evil, moral, true, and reasonable.
Hicks leads readers through his own lifelong journey as he has constructed, stone by stone, a philosophy of the real, true, and good. Each stone represents the thoughts of others who have called out through the ages with inspiration and insight. As we follow the building of Hicks’s wall, we are invited to do the same, joining him, lifting and fitting each singing stone as a mythic chorus grows more audible and compelling.
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