Introductory Physics is ideal for the “physics first” high school science program, which places a physics-based course in the freshman year. But this book contains two optional chapters with more challenging math content (Pressure and Buoyancy, and Geometric Optics) and can be used in a 10th or 11th grade course as well. For a thorough explanation of the great advantages to “physics first,” please read our September 2013 Newsletter. This article also lays out our two-track (grade-level and honors/accelerated) plan for high school science and math.
Students should be enrolled in concurrent Algebra I to use this book, which is standard track mathematics for 9th grade. We make our exercises challenging, requiring students to utilize multiple concepts and skills to arrive at an answer, but nothing higher than basic algebra is required for this text. This text is not an upper-level vector/trig-based course; for an advanced, vector-based text, see our book Physics: Modeling Nature.
Student instructions for five complete laboratory experiments are included in the appendix. Teachers instructions are included in the supplemental book, Experiments for Introductory Physics and ASPC.
Full program includes:
- Introductory Physics, 3rd Edition Designed for 9th–11th graders, Introductory Physics incorporates math, history, and epistemology, making it the perfect text to draw students upward into the adult world of scientific investigation. The text includes 2 optional, more challenging chapters on buoyancy and geometric optics for older students.
- Digital Resources for Introductory Physics These documents to help the teacher conduct class include a course overview, quizzes, semester exams, keys, and more.
- Complete Solutions and Answers for Introductory Physics This book is a combination of the answer keys from the Digital Resources for Introductory Physics, the back of the book (both verbal and calculation), and the Solutions Manual. It includes all answers to chapter exercises, quizzes, tests, and semester exams, as well as the worked-out solutions to all calculations, and is therefore intended for use by teachers, graders, and homeschoolers. It is not intended for student use. You may still want to purchase a copy of the Solutions Manual for Introductory Physics for students to use without giving them the answer keys.
- Experiments for Introductory Physics and Accelerated Studies in Physics and Chemistry This volume contains the complete teacher’s instructions for conducting the lab experiments for Introductory Physics and Accelerated Studies in Physics and Chemistry (ASPC). The 6 experiments are designed to teach proper laboratory skills and methods, illustrate concepts in physics, and stimulate students with interesting scientific activity. Each chapter typically includes Learning Objectives, Materials List, Experimental Purpose, Scientific Overview, Pre-Lab Discussion Points, Student Instructions, any Safety Concerns, and discussion of the use of any special apparatus.
Optional Resources Available for Purchase
You may wish to purchase the following optional resources to further supplement this course:
- Solutions Manual for Introductory Physics
- The Student Lab Report Handbook, 2nd Edition
- From Wonder to Mastery: A Transformative Model for Science Education
- Favorite Experiments in Physics and Physical Science
If you need to order the charter school version of this program, please visit this page.
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