A yearlong course for students in grades 3-6
The Bible tells us God’s story. It has many parts, but from beginning to end it is one story with a promise throughout: “I will be your God, and you will be My people.” Through this story, we learn who God is, who mankind is, how the world came to be, and how God worked through history to bring redemption to His people. The God’s Great Covenant series will narrate this story for your student in an engaging and unique way.
God’s Great Covenant Old Testament 1: A Bible Course for Children teaches the biblical narrative from Genesis to Ruth, starting at the beginning when sin came into the world. This first book presents the overarching Old Testament themes of the promises and power of God, recounted in simple, weekly stories. Students will follow along with God’s people, see how He leads them and keeps His promises, and learn how the stories of God’s people begin to point us to the coming Savior, Jesus Christ.
Full program includes:
- God’s Great Covenant Old Testament 1 (consumable student edition) The student edition has 32 weekly chapters divided into 5 themed units. Each chapter includes the story of that week’s Bible verses, presented at a clear, elementary reading level, and a memory page with a Bible verse, key facts chart, and vocabulary. A thought-provoking “Who is God?” question encourages students to consider how to relate to God in their own lives. There are also worksheets and a quiz to accompany each lesson.
- God’s Great Covenant Old Testament 1 Teacher’s Edition This edition contains all of the student edition content, as well as answer keys for the worksheets and quizzes. The teacher’s edition also incorporates additional factual information to expand upon the historical, geographical, cultural, and theological concepts introduced in the student edition.
- God’s Great Covenant Old Testament 1 Audio Files Students can listen to and experience the story of God’s work through the Bible, learning how He leads and cares for His people. These audio files contain the readings featured in the God’s Great Covenant Old Testament 1 text, engagingly read by Dr. Christopher Perrin.
- God’s Great Covenant Old Testament Timeline & Map Set This colorful poster set includes an interactive timeline of the events of the Old Testament, as well as a collection of 6 maps, all of which integrate the history and geography of ancient Egypt and the Near East. The set covers the entire Old Testament, corresponding with both God’s Great Covenant Old Testament 1 and God’s Great Covenant Old Testament 2.
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