A one-semester course for grades 4 or 5 and up In the award-winning Writing & Rhetoric series, author Paul Kortepeter has thoughtfully and creatively recovered the proven method of the progymnasmata, a step-by-step apprenticeship in the art of writing and rhetoric.
Writing & Rhetoric Book 3: Narrative II (Student Edition) is the third book in this 12-book series. Narrative II exposes students to new genres of story, including historical narrative and legend. It includes a variety of culturally important examples. All of the skills practiced in Narrative I are extended and new skill sets are introduced, including identifying the difference between fact and opinion and learning to ask the five W’s of a historical narrative: who, what, when, where, why.
Lessons include:
- How to define and identify types of narrative
- How to outline stories
- How to get a story off the ground
- How the protagonist and antagonist develop the central story conflict
- How to discern the difference between fact and opinion in historical narrative and legend
- How to identify the five W’s of an historical narrative—who, what, when, where, why
- How to summarize a longer narrative in writing
- Rewriting: what happens when you change the point of view and the protagonist
- How to apply storytelling skills
- Elocution skills and oration
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