General Chemistry is a refreshing new approach to high school chemistry embodying all of the features for which Novare Science has become known.
The mastery-learning paradigm builds comprehension by adding new concepts while reviewing and rehearsing key material throughout the year. This method is implemented in carefully designed exercises, cumulative assessments, and the embedding of lower-level skills in higher-level questions.
Students appreciate the smaller profile and lighter weight of our books made possible through our Textbook Philosophy. Concise, thorough, and rich, beautiful graphics make the book a pleasure to interact with.
We intentionally integrate across related subjects: the history of modern chemistry, mathematics and technical communication is emphasized throughout.
Finally, our approach to implementing a Kingdom Perspective is to do science from the faith-informed perspective as disciples of Christ studying God’s created order. This is apparent in General Chemistry from the observations about order in the universe, in how nature submits to scientific study and modeling, and in the fitness of creation as a habitat for humanity and animal life.
Full program includes:
- General Chemistry This text brings high school students into the real world of chemistry and laboratory experiments using a mastery learning method implemented through carefully crafted exercises and quizzes and a fresh, lucid narrative. The history of modern chemistry, mathematics and technical communication is emphasized throughout.
- Digital Resources for General Chemistry Documents for administration and planning of the class. These include a course overview, quizzes, chapter tests, semester exams, answer keys, and more.
- Complete Solutions and Answers for General Chemistry This book is a one-stop grading resource for instructors. It includes all answers to chapter exercises, quizzes, tests, and semester exams, as well as the worked-out solutions to all calculations, and is therefore intended for use by teachers. It is not intended for student use. You may still want to purchase a copy of the Solutions Manual for General Chemistry for students to use without giving them the answer keys.
- Chemistry Experiments for High School at Home contains information on 18 quality chemistry experiments that can be conducted at home or any school where standard lab facilities are not available. Equipment and procedures accommodate limited facilities without losing the essential educational value. Experiments use less volatile chemical alternatives available to consumers.
Optional Resources Available for Purchase
You may wish to purchase the following optional resources to further supplement this course:
- Solutions Manual for General Chemistry
- The Student Lab Report Handbook, 2nd Edition
- From Wonder to Mastery: A Transformative Model for Science Education
- Chemistry Experiments for High School – for schools with lab facilities
If you need to order the charter school version of this program, please visit this page.
What’s new in the 3rd edition? All revisions for General Chemistry 3rd Edition were made to reflect the substantial revisions to the metric system, which went into effect in 2019. Learn more about the major metric system changes here.
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