Physics: Modeling Nature addresses the complaints teachers typically have with many of the current physics offerings. It is especially suited to STEM programs with a college-preparatory mission. Students who aspire to a technical career will find this to be the best text available, with fresh, elucidating illustrations and a narrative that explains concepts with attention to detail. Teachers will appreciate the book as a solid reference and lecturing tool.
Many ask about this book’s suitability to AP Physics. From our FAQ page, “Physics: Modeling Nature can be used with the AP Physics 1/2 curriculum. In each case, the text covers the entire AP curriculum with a small number of exceptions.” Read here for more.
Finally, Physics: Modeling Nature employs vector calculations and assumes students have completed trigonometry as a prerequisite. Problems in the text are not calculus-based, but since many students will take calculus concurrently with advanced physics, connections between the two are frequently highlighted. Physics: Modeling Nature is written with Novare priorities—supporting a mastery-learning paradigm, integrating related subjects, and a Kingdom perspective that inspires wonder in the beauty and complexity of God’s great world.
Full program includes:
- Physics: Modeling Nature Each chapter of this text includes plenty of exercises and clearly defined learning objectives. Novare’s trademark integration of the essential historical background also enhances awareness of the legacy and present-day community of scientists.
- Digital Resources for Physics: Modeling Nature These documents to help the teacher conduct class include a course overview, quizzes, chapter tests, semester exams, keys, and more.
- Solutions Manual for Physics: Modeling Nature This useful supplement is designed for students, homeschoolers, and teachers who would like help with working out the calculations and problems in Physics: Modeling Nature.
- Experiments for Physics: Modeling Nature This volume contains the complete teacher’s instructions for conducting 5 lab experiments for Physics: Modeling Nature, as well as color photos of the experiments being conducted in a classroom setting. Each chapter typically includes Learning Objectives, Materials List, Experimental Purpose, Scientific Overview, Pre-Lab Discussion Points, Student Instructions, any Safety Concerns, and discussion of the use of any special apparatus.
Optional Resources Available for Purchase
You may wish to purchase the following optional resources to further supplement this course:
- The Student Lab Report Handbook, 2nd Edition
- From Wonder to Mastery: A Transformative Model for Science Education
- Favorite Experiments in Physics and Physical Science
What’s new in the 2nd edition? All revisions for Physics: Modeling Nature, 2nd Edition were made to reflect the substantial revisions to the metric system, which went into effect in 2019. Learn more about the major metric system changes here.
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